Monday 2 September 2013

Personal Post!

This week was the first week of school and I started a brand new adventure as a Social Service Worker major! I've been thinking about social work for sometime and finally decided to plunge myself into the deep end. My schedule isn't too hectic, which I'm thankful about, but it's just hectic enough for me to allow this crazy post of iPhone pictures.

It's hard getting back into the school routine, 6 am wake ups really suck. But it's worth it! Second day and I'm already in love with it. My campus is super small, so my program only has 20 students in it, which I love! Smaller class sizes! 

I'm hoping to figure out what exactly I want to do with my major, but I still have time :) 

What's been going on in your life? Anything exciting? Leave me a comment! 

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